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  • Us for all

    Us for all

    We want everybody to feel equally happy and welcome at our festival. We stand for treating each other in an open, tolerant and respectful manner. We embrace equality, diversity and justice without exception and have zero tolerance for any form of discrimination and discriminatory attitudes.
    To make the festival an unforgettable experience for everybody, we ask you all to show consideration and moral courage for a safe festival. The organiser and his agents have the right to exercise authority during the entire festival. The instructions of the organiser's security staff must be obeyed.

    We love you in all the splendor of your beauty. And of course we also love everything you don't wear. Please remember, however, that children also visit the festival and that one or the other part of the body may therefore deserve some cover. Anybody wearing clothing of a degrading, homophobic, radical right-wing or other discriminatory nature or carrying racist, xenophobic and/or radical propaganda material will not be admitted to the site and will not receive a refund of their ticket. Anybody who attracts attention with statements or behaviour of such a nature on the grounds will be evicted from the festival immediately without a refund.

  • Awareness

    Which way to PANAMA?

    It is very important to us that everybody at the festival feels welcome, comfortable and also safe. Therefore, we launched the project “Which way to PANAMA?” in 2017 – the concept aims to raise awareness among all festival-goers and to strengthen social empathy with the goal of creating a safe space for everybody.

    • You have seen something strange? 
    • You feel uncomfortable, harassed or are being bothered? 
    • You have been – verbally or physically – assaulted?

    Ask the following people “Which way to PANAMA?”:
    Bar staff, stewards (security personnel), festival jobbers, police, paramedics and all other crew members with a green-purple wristband with PANAMA written on it.

    The festival crew will offer you their help without further questions or comments and will take you/the person seeking help to a protected environment.

  • Communication

    We are security

    We can't be everywhere all the time. For this reason, we ask everybody to help us make the festival a safe place.
    Our promise: We provide a lot of information that will help you understand the situation and act correctly.


    • On the screens at the stages
    • Via the stage loudspeakers
    • Digitally via the app and Facebook
    • via M’era Luna FM on 95.2 MHz 
    • Through  our team, especially our on-site security staff

    You have questions? Talk to us!

    • Via the crew at the information booths on the premises
    • Via our security staff (attention: not all of our stewards have walkie talkies, ask for a steward with a walkie talkie and go there)
    • via e-mail on serviceteam@meraluna.de

    Incidents from the recent past have shown that events of any kind can also be the target of violent attacks. In order to ensure a safe event despite the, at least subjectively, increased risk, we perform thorough admission checks on those entering the festival grounds. In addition, we will once again step up our checks for people returning to the grounds.
    It goes without saying that our security concept consists of a large number of measures and security-related procedures that are coordinated and implemented together with the police and the relevant security authorities.

    However, we need your support! The better everyone complies and sticks to the rules, the more effective, faster and more efficient the checks will be. Together, we're making a stand for your safety and ours at the festival.
    Of course, security is also a topic of concern for other festival organisers. For this reason, we have shared ideas intensively with other event organisers and developed joint concepts.

    The information listed here was jointly produced by the security officers of Argo Konzerte GmbH, ICS Festival Service GmbH and FKP Scorpio Konzertproduktionen GmbH. ©2017

  • Health


    Noise levels
    You love music – that is probably the most important reason why you have come to the festival. But please bear in mind that you will be exposed to a very high level of noise on the festival grounds. This will be measured continuously, but we nevertheless recommend that you wear earplugs for protection. Earplugs are available at the info point. We want you to be able to enjoy music for a long time to come. So look after your hearing!

    Tripping hazards and sharp edges
    The festival site is as large as several football pitches. We do our best to make every square foot as safe and trip-free as possible, and we promptly fix any potential sharp edge. However, it cannot be ruled out that, despite all our efforts, possible tripping hazards or one or the other sharp edge may be present. Therefore we would ask you to please enter the festival grounds with the right footwear, appropriate clothing and with the necessary caution. Please report any hazards to us so that we can eliminate them.

    Procuring and consuming notifiable items and substances of any kind (drugs) on the festival grounds is illegal.

    ... is prohibited due to its extremely high risk of injury.

    Drones and other remote controlled aerial systems
    The operation of unmanned aerial systems is strictly prohibited on the entire festival grounds. An exception to this ban is only possible for the security authorities themselves and for the organiser in consultation with the relevant authorities.

  • Cannabis & Drugs


    Since this year, adults are allowed to possess up to 25 grams of cannabis for personal consumption. Consumption in the immediate presence of persons who are not of legal age is prohibited. It is also prohibited to hand out, pass on or leave cannabis for immediate consumption. These legal regulations also apply to the entire festival site. We would like to point out that there may be minors at the festival (accompanied by a person responsible for them with a so-called "Feierzettel") and therefore the consumption ban in their immediate presence must be observed.


    The acquisition, consumption and distribution of narcotics of any kind (drugs) is prohibited on the festival grounds as well as outside.

  • Weather


    Summer sunshine is particularly intensive. Protect your skin with sunscreen. Sunstroke is no laughing matter either. We recommend that you wear headgear. Drink enough water. There are drinking water dispensers on the festival grounds, where you can access water free of charge. Summer sunshine and lots of movement greatly increase your need for hydration – even if you don’t feel thirsty. Remember that alcohol depletes your body of hydration and important minerals. Be careful with alcohol. Recent findings have shown that people often overestimate how much alcohol they can take. Look out for one another!

    Rubber boots are not only fashionable country wear, but also practical and rain ponchos are a MUST in your festival luggage. We do not sell rain ponchos.
    If you run things on electricity at your campsite, please remember: Water and electricity don't mix well – a socket or cable should never be in a puddle.

    The safest place to be at a festival in the countryside during a storm is in your car. 
    Elaborate analyses of car occupancy have shown that, mathematically, there are enough car spaces available for all festival-goers, including those who arrived by train or were brought by their parents. Please also offer other festival-goers shelter in your car and draw attention to free spaces in your vehicle by switching on the hazard lights – it’s a great way to make new friends!

    Single-person and family tents are not a safe place during thunderstorms. Please leave your tent immediately and seek sheltered areas. 
    You can find detailed information in the leaflet “Lightning Protection for Camping and on the Campsite” by the VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies, which you can download in German here (>>> Link).

    Avoid wooded areas and trees in a storm! Branches can break off, fall down and cause serious injury.

    Always close your tent and secure loose items before leaving for the festival grounds. Open tents can fly away, while closed tents will remain standing!

    Avoid being close to any high structures on the site (e. g. light towers, speaker towers, etc.). Of course, we comply with all safety regulations and all high structures are approved by the relevant authorities. Nevertheless, despite all our precautions, we cannot completely rule out all risks.

    As safe as our large tents and checkout tents are, if the wind reaches a certain force even they have to be closed because safe operation can no longer be guaranteed. For this reason, they are usually closed first. We hope you will understand if you should ever have to experience this.

  • 110


    Of course, there is a police presence at the festival. A police station on the festival grounds is manned day and night. The police are there for you and you can report incidents to them:
    Cell phone stolen? -> Make a report. 
    Damage to property and/or bodily injury? -> Make a report.
    If you need help fast with emergency lights on the festival grounds, always dial 110 directly. 
    (Please note: 110 calls are never anonymous, misuse of emergency calls is punishable by law!)
    Please do not hesitate to report anything that seems strange to you, even if you are not sure if it is really an emergency. We would also ask you to please report anything you might find suspicious: Have you seen something? Talk about it. (Do something! Dial 110!). Better to report once too often than not at all.

    Did you know that a tent offers little protection against thieves? Thefts from tents are reported every year. 
    Therefore: Bring only as few valuables as absolutely necessary.
    Valuables should not be left in your tent unattended. Put them in the official lockers.
    According to statistics, the theft rate is highest on the day of arrival and the day before the concerts start in the early hours of the morning. Especially in the initial euphoria, thieves are the last thing on your mind, and they take advantage of this. 
    It does happen that cell phones and purses are stolen in the crowd during concerts. So, please lock away what you don't absolutely need, or simply leave it at home in the first place. No matter how good the show may be, look out for your valuables and especially for people who may be standing there casually in the crowd without following the music.
    Cell phones are often recovered. Therefore, report any theft to the police. Even if you have only “lost” your cell phone. Lost property can be taken to the info point for safe storage.

  • 112


    Medical emergency
    Call 112! If you don't have a cell phone, ask others to make an emergency call, or go to the nearest steward position (entrance, SOS tower, patrol on bike or foot, etc.)

    If it is a medical emergency, the paramedics at the festival will also be alerted. Be prepared to answer the following questions:

    • Where is the person? 
    • What happened? 
    • What number of people are injured? 
    • Which injuries have they suffered? 
    • Who is reporting? (Name will do) 
    • Wait for further questions!

    There’s a lot you can do yourself after that – even without first aid training! 


    • Protect your own safety: You must first protect yourself before helping others. When it is safe to do so, you can start giving first aid.
    • Offer reassurance and comfort. Injured people are usually scared and need reassurance that help is on the way.
    • Ask more people to brief the ambulance service – an ambulance or paramedic team on foot will be with you soon.
    • Set up a shield so that the injured person does not feel observed by strangers. This is important to many injured people.

    If you have some basic knowledge of emergency medical care, you can accomplish a lot with these schemes.


    As we all know, it’s better to be safe than sorry! So it's best to prevent fires from happening in the first place! Therefore, you should observe the following rules:


    • Use only approved gas cartridges (caution: otherwise there is a risk of injury!).
    • No open fire!
    • Make sure that all barbecues (even disposable ones!) are out before going to the concert area.
    • Don’t simply throw cigarette butts away, especially in dry wooded areas.

    If a fire occurs, swift action is required. The longer it burns, the more difficult it becomes to extinguish the fire.

    So, even here: Always call 112 first. If you don't have a cell phone, ask others to make an emergency call, or go to the nearest steward position (entrance, SOS tower, patrol on bike or foot, etc.).

    The crew will put your emergency call through to the fire service on the festival site. Be prepared to answer the following questions:

    • Where is the fire?
    • What is burning?
    • What number of people are injured?
    • Which injuries have they suffered?
    • Who is reporting? (Name will do)
    • Wait for further questions!

    Attention: You must get out of danger first! Never underestimate a fire, especially with smoke. Only once you are sure that you are no longer in danger, can you intervene and provide first aid. 

    Please note: 80 % of all fire victims do not die from burn injuries but due to the inhalation of toxic smoke produced by the fire. Therefore, never underestimate smoke and always pay attention to your own safety!


    Fire extinguishers
    There are many fire extinguishers on the festival grounds. You will find them at the emergency reporting points on the festival grounds, at all bars and food stalls, with the motorised security staff and of course at all paramedic positions. If you need to use a fire extinguisher, you will find the operating instructions on the extinguisher. Please note that you should choose the right extinguisher where possible – never try to extinguish a grease fire with water (this has devastating effects). 


    Extinguishing a fire
    These principles can help you in your attempts to extinguish a fire. Please note that the extinguisher should always be discharged intermittently and in a targeted manner. The discharge time is usually shorter than you think!

  • Evacuation


    First of all: No need to panic, an evacuation is usually only a temporary measure. In most cases, the festival will resume again after the interruption.
    The safest place to be at an outdoor festival is in your car. There you are protected against possible storms and also have the advantage of being able to listen to our own festival radio station M’era Luna FM. This is your info channel, your source of festival news, which will update you with important announcements promptly.

    In the unforeseen event of an evacuation of the site, you can go to numerous emergency exits, the locations of which you can find in the festival plans. The (emergency) exits are marked by the common emergency exit signs, which may be a bit larger or in a more elevated position in some places due to the size of the grounds.
    Find your bearings and remember the nearest emergency exit. The regular exit is usually further away.
    If you are asked to leave the site as quickly as possible via the different exits, then proceed calmly but quickly to the nearest (emergency) exit. The more gates are used, the faster the site can be evacuated – it's that simple! And yes, please help those who need help – not every guest can manage completely on their own!

    Please listen to our stewards. They are trained and know what to do. They will keep you safe with their actions and instructions.

    The ideal scenario:

    How is an evacuation communicated?
    In most cases, an evacuation is announced from the stages. A crew member will explain the situation to you, requesting you to leave the event grounds and go to your car. Please help one another and offer shelter to guests who are there without their own car.

    We will also inform you digitally:

    • Festival app
      Here you will be informed by an instant message and kept up to date on the latest developments.
    • Facebook, Twitter
      Here you will always find the latest news, for example if the German Weather Service has issued a warning for our site. We already communicate warnings when things are still running normally, so that you can prepare yourself in good time for a thunderstorm, for example.
    • M’era Luna FM
      But you can get the most accurate information on our festival radio station M‘era Luna FM, which you can listen to in your car, on your phone, and on any radio you have brought with you. Why radio? In rural areas, telephone connections are not designed for such a large number of users. The network can become overloaded. A radio with a good old FM frequency will be able to receive regardless of the number of listeners. So you will be up to date at all times. Especially when the festival can resume again!

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