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Further emergengy assistance

Here you can find more emergency centres in Hildesheim and Hannover that offer immediate help in crisis situations.

  • Hildesheim | 3 councelling centres

    Victims of crime/violence

    • In the course of personal talks, the victim helpers jointly clarify the individual needs, point out possible courses of action and provide support in implementing them. The talks are confidential and can also be held anonymously if desired. Online counseling is also offered.


    Sexual assault/harassment 

    • WILDROSE Beratungsstelle gegen sexuelle Gewalt e.V. offers counseling for women, young people and children who experience or have experienced sexualized violence. People who want to support those affected or have questions about the topic can also contact them.


    General psychological help 

  • Hannover | Distance from Hildesheim: approx. 35 km | 18 councelling centres

    Victims of violence/crime 

    • In the course of personal talks, the victim helpers jointly clarify the individual needs, point out possible courses of action and provide support in implementing them. The talks are confidential and can also be held anonymously if desired. Online counseling is also offered. 


    Sexual assault/harassment 

    • The Women's Emergency Hotline in Hanover is a specialized counseling center for sexualized violence.  It is aimed at women and girls over the age of 16 who have been or are being affected by sexual violence. Its concern is to support affected women in processing sexual violence and to encourage them in their right to decide about themselves.


    Help explicitly for young people

    • The Youth Counseling Service Hanover consists of psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical specialists with different additional training. They help in crisis situations, conflicts, stress and develop solutions. 
    • The Youth Counseling Hinterhaus is a counseling center oriented to the needs of young people. Together, they work out ways to deal with a wide variety of crisis situations.
    • Together with the counselors of the Diakonisches Werk, solutions and new goals are developed when one finds oneself in crisis situations.


    Help explicitly for men

    • The association Männerbüro Hannover has set itself the task of supporting boys, male youths, men and couples in solving specific life problems and interpersonal conflicts and thus improving their quality of life.
    • mannigfaltig e. V.  versteht sich als Fachberatungsstelle für sämtliche Anliegen, die sich aus den Lebenswelten von Jungen und Männern ergeben. Sie unterstützen dabei, Problemlagen zu bewältigen und Chancen zu nutzen, die sich im Alltag konkret ergeben. mannigfaltig e. V.  zeichnet sich besonders verantwortlich in der Begleitung und Bearbeitung der unterschiedlichsten Facetten von Grenzverletzungen und Gewalthandlungen, die entweder selbst begangen, selbst erfahren oder beobachtet worden sind.


    Help explicitly for women 

    • The Amanda Women's Therapy and Counseling Center grew out of a non-profit association founded in 1991 by an initiative of women from the psychosocial and psychological fields for women. Its services are for women seeking help and support in situations of mental crisis and conflict.
    • The Ophelia Counseling Center advises women and girls from the age of 13 who have experienced violence. It does not matter whether the violence is physical, sexual, psychological, social, economic or digital. They provide counseling not only in acute cases, but also when the stressful experiences have been going on for a long time and it is necessary to come to terms with them.
    • TäBea's counseling services focus on the development of non-violent conflict resolution and self-assertion skills. In the counseling they look at the individual life situation of the woman. Together with the woman, they want to understand why an act of violence seems to be the better solution. The basis is the personal decision of each individual woman for an exit from the spiral of violence.
    • The Women's Counseling Service Hannover provides counseling and support primarily in cases of physical and emotional abuse, sexual violence experiences, crisis situations in life and consequences of structural violence. 



    • Andersraum e.V. is a non-profit association based in Hannover's Nordstadt. Driven by the vision "So you can be who you are", Andersraum does anti-discrimination and empowerment work with a focus on sexual orientation and gender identity (LGBTIQ*).
    • The QNN (Queer Network Niedersachsen) is the umbrella for the representatives of all groups, associations and institutions that are active with and for queer people in Lower Saxony. It is further divided into four networks for lesbian, gay, trans* and inter interests. 


    General psychological help

    • On this website you can find counseling centers in free sponsorship, which have united in the working group psychosocial care Hannover. Within the framework of trusting conversations with professionally trained psychological counselors, new perspectives can be opened and solutions found.
    • When fears, depressions, psychosomatic complaints, situations of overload and excessive demands become so stressful that everyday life is overshadowed, the psychological counseling center Marienstraße can help. Solutions are developed together in discussions.
    • In case of psychosocial problems, conflicts and in crisis situations, one can turn to the Counseling and Therapy Center Hanover. During an initial interview, the concerns and individual counseling needs are clarified and the counseling services offered by the center are discussed.
    • The pedagogical-psychological counseling (GppB) e.V. is a non-profit association and offers general psychological counseling for adults, adolescents and children on a wide variety of topics and in a wide variety of personal life situations.
    • The Protestant Counseling Center Oskar-Winter-Straße is an institution of the Diakonisches Werk in the Ev.-luth. Stadtkirchenverband Hannover. Its psychological counseling services include: Life counseling, marriage and couple counseling, suicide prevention and crisis intervention.

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