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Your ticket to the other world

  • Festival Pass

    Festival Pass


    Your ticket for the entire festival weekend with access to the event area and the regular campsite, where the medieval market is located as well.

    Bring Your Own Tent! With your festival wristbands you can visit and leave the grounds at will within the event hours. A security check is required each time you enter.

  • Day Pass

    Day Pass

    Your ticket for one day of the festival with access to the event grounds (not to the camping site) for one festival day of your choice selected in advance.

    With your festival wristband, you can visit and leave the festival at your leisure on your chosen day within the festival hours. A security check will be required each time you enter.

    A limited number of one-day parking spaces are available for a fee of €10.00 per day.

  • Upgrades


    Already bought a Festival Pass but want to upgrade your festival experience? Then take a look at our many different upgrade options.


  • KulturPass

    Your KulturPass for the M'era Luna 2025!

    Happy 18th Birthday!!
    Were you born in 2006 or 2007? Grab the best gift ever with the KulturPass app: save at least €100 on your ticket for M'era Luna 2025!

    Contact us at any time at meraluna@fkpscorpio.com if you have any questions.

    lazyloaded Image

    Were you born in 2007?

    1. Download the KulturPass app.
      •    App-Store
      •    Google Play Store
    2. Register with the online pass procedure.
    3. Receive a €100 budget.
    4. Search for "MERA LUNA FESTIVAL" and reserve a value code.
    5. Wait for your reservation to reach the status "Ready for pickup" and you will receive an email as info.
    6. Redeem the code within 48 hours in the last step of the ticket booking in the ticket store.
    7. Enjoy the best weekend of the year!!!

    P. S. The budget is available to you from your 18th birthday. The prerequisite for this is that you have activated your budget. You can redeem it until December 31, 2025.

    Were you born in 2006?

    1. You have downloaded the KulturPass app.
    2. You are already successfully registered.
    3. Check your remaining credit.
    4. Search for "MERA LUNA FESTIVAL" and reserve your value code.
    5. Wait for your reservation to reach the status "Ready for pickup" and you will receive an e-mail as information.
    6. Redeem the code within 48 hours in the last step of the ticket booking process in the ticket store.
    7. Enjoy the best weekend of the year!!!

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