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Would you like to stay at the Special Needs Camp?*
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Do you bring a free companion?* (Requirement: B, H or Bl in the disabled ID)
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Do you bring any other persons to the Special Needs Camp?*
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Do you need a power supply for medical equipment, your e-wheelchair or other assistive devices?* (Important: The power connections are not suitable for charging mobile phones or similar devices).
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Do you bring a car to the campsite?*
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We want to make our festival a little better and more accessible every year. To do that, it's important to get to know you, our guests, a little better. You don't have to answer the following questions, but they will help us to make your festival experience as enjoyable as possible in the future.

Have you been to M'era Luna before?*
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What kind of disability do you have? (multiple choice) (optional information)
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